My student to professional journey

I always liked knowing "where a person came from", that's why I feel like putting my story here. If I find someone interesting I know I'll want to know his or her story.

So for the few people that will wander in here and that will feel this way towards me, I'm jotting my journey there so they won't have to simply wonder what it is, they'll have some actual meat to be quenched.

Events are ordered from "recentest" to oldest. The most recent updates of my journey are thus at the very top of this page, and the oldest at the very bottom.

• Nouméa (New Caledonia)

From May 1st 2017 to the 25 of February 2022.
Duration: 4 years.

- Had my first job as a software engineer
- Founded a company while also working as an employee to stay financially stable
- Invested too much time in side projects to be able to live a properly balanced life
- Realized it and started to ease up.

Freelance software developer

From April 2019 to February 2022.
Duration: 2 years and a half.

This phase is quite peaceful, in the sense that I nearly no longer had any side project that eaten my personal time to the point where it would make me neglect myself.

Software engineer (first job!).

From September 2017 to mid April 2019.
Duration: 1 year and a half.

My very first job after graduation (ah! even now in 2020, I still never touch my diploma. It must be sleeping in a box in Brest or somewhere else in the world.

Izir CTO

At the same time I was starting my first job, I also wanted to found a company. I perceived two advantages in doing so: I would learn faster, I would learn more to better perform on my employee job.

There, I was literally working for the paycheck in my 9-5 (which is more a 7-7 in my country) and working on my company from 8 to midnight.

• Tokyo (Japan)

From January 2017 to 31st of April.
Duration: 4 months.

Web developer

LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE! I'll defo write a book on this part of my life!

This was my end-of-studies internship.

• Sherbrooke (Canada)

From September 2016 to mid January 3rd 2017.
Duration: 4 months.

The second and latest year of my master's degree starts on September 2016. I flew to Canada, heading to Sherbrooke, a small (but quite famous in the end) city in the northeast (to check) of Montreal.

• Brest (France)

From August 2015 to July 2016.
Duration: 8 months.


M1 TIIL first internship

Thanks to my enrollment in D2E, I was able to have an internship in ... "my own company". A stay at home internship (no there was no COVID at this time!) ....


At the same time I was pursuing my master's degree, I enrolled in a program that would allow me to get taught entrepreneurship specific skills that I knew would allow me to breakthrough in the future.

Bonus: The Corner (startup ecosystem)

I often feel bored. And to kill boredom I'm used to work! So what I did in this little town whose Brest that I found too calm to me, I started looking for entrepreneur.

• New Caledonia

From May 1st 2017 to 6 of June 2021.
Duration: 7 years.

- High school time

I went to Collège de Plum then Lycée du Grand Nouméa, aka. LGN. There, I went from 2nd to terminale (X grade to Y grade) then, in the same school I was able to start my higher education, a BTS.

This is usually a XXX for shorter studies but I strategically chose this XXX for multiple reasons. More on this in a post I'll write.
